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In brief

Cages in Mausoleum are the first level containers of mice. Every visist of mice in a cage has a precise start and end date which has to be entered by the user everytime mice are moved from one cage to the other. It is very important that you are extremely careful when setting these dates because these dates are also used for determination of the father of a litter or whether weaning of pups is necessary.

Cages can be put at defined position in racks. There are two types of cages in Mausoleum: single and double cages.  A single cage contains one compartment, whereas a double cage contains two compartments which are physically separated. Regardless of the cage type a cage always takes exactly one spot in a rack.

The ownership of cages is completely inherited from the mice therein. This means that every user who owns mice in the cage is allowed to manipulated and move the respective cage. Other users cannot alter the attributes or position of the cage. The two exceptions from this rule are GURUs which can of course modify all objects in the group and CARETAKERs which are allowed to touch but cannot own mice or cages.

The cage window

After clicking "Cages" in the object selection area you will get the cage window.

This window contains different tabs with specialized cage tables:

Cage tables

Using the command "Arrange columns" from the context menu (right mouse click in the table) you can specify which attributes of the cages should be shown in this table. These attributes are available for a cage table:

Column header Description Sortable Filterable Colorable
Cage # The cagenumber
Foreign key Foreign ID from other system
GTS The genotypes of the mice
Group Group name
ID The technical ID
Lines The lines of the mice
M Mark
Mice The number of mice contained in the cage
Rack The rack name
Strains The strains of the mice
Unisex Indicates whether only mice of one sex are in the cage
comment The comment
end The end date of the object
father Indicates whether father and offspring is present in cage
mother Indicates whether motther and offspring is present in cage
start The start date of the object
tag Alphanumeric Tag
visits The number of mice which were in this cage
w Indicator for matings

In the cage tables you can specify whether you want to see all objects of the group or only the objects you own. To switch between these display modes you use the little "A" button in top right corner of the table:

If this button is active (pressed) you will see all objects of the group. Your own objects are shown in black whereas objects owned by other users are shown with a blue font color.

The cage inspector

The cage inspector is active as soon as a cage table becomes the active table. It will adopt to the attributes of the selected cage and lets the user modify the attributes if the user has sufficient privileges to do so. The cage inspector has two tabs

The "Attributes" tab

It shows the attributes of the cage:

The "Mice" tab

In this tab you see a table with the mice which are contained in the selected cages.

Because this table is within the inspector it cannot be used to modify the attributes of the displayed mice. To generated a mouse table which can be used to alter the attributes of the mice you click the button "Convert this view to Mouse display" and a window with a snapshot of the cage contents will open:

The actions

In the "Actions" area of the inspector you find several blue buttons which invoke various actions not directly connected to the attributes of the selected objects:

Adding cages

New cages can be added by selecting Cages and then clicking the "New" button. You will be asked if you want to Create a single cage or a double cage. A single cage contains one compartment, whereas a double cage contains two compartments which are physically separated. Regardless of the cage type a cage always takes exactly one spot in a rack. Both compartments will have the same cage number followed by the letter L (for left) or R (for right).

You will also be asked on which date the cage was set up. This way you can add cages that were not properly recorded earlier.

A new single cage is also created by dropping mice onto an empty place in the rack. Double cages cannot be created using the drag and drop of mice in the rack window.